School Closure Due to Weather

BFA follows the direction of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) regarding school closures/delays due to weather so if  DCSD decides to close school for the day, then BFA will be closed as well. 
All school closures can be seen on most of the local TV channels in the morning. You also may call the DCSD weather line at 303-387-SNOW (7669) to hear the latest updates on school closures or delayed starts. We also will send out an announcement regarding closures or delays.
The Douglas County School District has been divided into three areas: Highlands Ranch, Parker and Castle Rock. It is possible for the district to close or delay school in only one of the areas. This is rare, but it is possible. If you see on the TV or hear on the weather line that Douglas County is listed as closed or delayed start that means all of the schools are closed or delayed. If you see or hear that the Parker area is closed or delayed that means that Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock are open.

Delayed Start

BFA follows the direction of the Douglas County School District (DCSD) regarding school closures/delays due to weather. If the DCSD decides to close school for the day, then BFA will be closed as well. Sometimes, the weather is not severe enough for a closure, but may be significant enough to have a delayed school start. If the district calls for a delayed start, school at BFA will start 90 minutes later than normal.

If it’s been announced that BFA is on a 90-Minute Delayed Start, following is the schedule:

  • BASE: Before school care opens at 8:15 a.m. Please do not drop off your child earlier than 8:15 a.m. for before care, as no one will be at BFA to supervise your child.
  • Carpool: Carpool on a delayed start day begins at 9:15 a.m.
  • School: School starts at 9:45 a.m.
  • Half-Day Kindergarten: Morning kindergarten starts at 9:45 a.m. and ends at the normal time. Afternoon kindergarten times do not change – normal start/end times apply.
  • Preschool: BFA preschool will open at 9:40 a.m. and dismiss at the normal time. Afternoon times do not change – normal start/end times apply.
  • Modified Schedule:  School will be on a modified schedule.  Please see the delayed schedules below.

***You always have the option of keeping your child home if you feel that the roads are unsafe – even if BFA is open. Please email to let us know. This will be listed as an excused absence.


Delayed Schedule

  1. Morning preschool drop off is 9:40 a.m.
  2. Half Day 3s ends at 12:15 p.m.
  3. Half Day 4s is M-F 12:15 – 3:15 p.m.
  1. Morning carpool starts at 9:15 a.m. Must be in seats by 9:45 a.m.
  2. Recess (20 min) then Lunch (20 min): 
  • Kindergarten: 10:55-11:35 a.m.
  • First: 11:00-11:40 a.m.
  • Second: 10:35-11:15 a.m.
  • Third: 10:30-11:10 a.m.
  • Fourth:11:40 a.m. -12:20 p.m.
  • Fifth: 11:20 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

3. See specials/science lab schedules below.

4. Afternoon Carpool starts at 3:30 p.m.

Specials last 30 minutes
4th Grade is at 9:50 am
Kinder is at 10:20 am

5th is at 10:50 am
1st is at 1 pm
2nd is 1:30 pm
3rd is at 2 pm
Science Lab lasts 30 minutes
2nd Grade is at 9:50 am
4th Grade is at 10:30 am
3rd Grade is at 11:15 am
Kinder is at 1:00 pm
5th is at 1:50 pm
1st is at 2:35 pm

Morning carpool starts at 9:15 a.m. Must be in seats by 9:45 a.m.  Afternoon Carpool starts at 3:30 p.m.

8th Grade

  • Period 1- 9:45-10:25 a.m.
  • Period 3- 10:30-11:10 a.m.
  • Period 4- 11:15 – 11:55 a.m.
  • Lunch & Recess – 12:00-12:40 p.m.
  • Period 5- 12:45-1:35 p.m.
  • Period 6- 1:40-2:30 p.m.
  • Electives- 2:35-3:20 p.m.


7th grade

  • Period 3 – 9:45 -10:25 a.m.
  • Period 2- 10:30- 11:10 a.m.
  • Period 4- 11:15 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
  • Lunch & Recess – 12:00-12:40 p.m.
  • Period 5- 12:45-1:40 p.m.
  • Period 6- 1:45 – 2:35 p.m.
  • Electives- 2:35-3:20 p.m.


6th grade

  • Period 1- 9:45-10:30 a.m.
  • Period 2- 10:35-11:20 a.m.
  • Lunch & Recess – 11:20 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Period 3 12:00 – 12:40 p.m.
  • Period 5-12:45 -1:35 p.m.
  • Period 6- 1:35-2:30 p.m.
  • Electives- 2:35-3:20 p.m.

Severe Weather Dismissal

When the weather conditions prohibit a normal release of students during carpool, we will initiate a severe weather dismissal for carpool and will not allow students outside until the weather conditions are safe. During severe weather dismissal, your options are:

  1. Park your car in the parking lot and physically come into the school with your dismissal app to sign your child(ren) out. Please do not leave your car while in the carpool line.
  2. Enter, stay, and move with the carpool line until your child(ren) are released directly to you at the front of the school.
  3. Wait it out wherever you are until the weather passes and students are released.

Please understand that while this procedure will take longer than a regular dismissal, it will ensure the overall safety of our students. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding in the event of a severe weather dismissal.

  • A decision to do a “Severe Weather Dismissal” won’t be made until 3:25 p.m. This gives us as much time as possible to see if the severe weather passes.
  • Severe weather includes: lightning in the area; heavy rain, hail or snow; or tornado-like conditions.
  • We will halt all carpool operations when lightning is within 6 miles of the school, in accordance with DCSD procedures. 
  • Please do not make a call to your child’s cell phone asking him/her to exit the building. Your physical presence or that of another approved adult friend/family member, in the building or in carpool is required to release your child.

We will communicate to parents that a severe weather dismissal is in effect. We will try to do this between 3:25 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Please make sure that the school, as well as your student’s homeroom teacher, has your current contact information.

  • Please talk to your child about a contingency plan that will come into play if and when a severe weather dismissal occurs.
  • Please know that your child will always be safe by waiting at school until you arrive.

Please be patient during weather delays. We know that they are inconvenient and that many families have other places to be after school. Your child’s safety is our priority and we will always exercise caution.