Sierrah White

Ms. White is so excited to start her second year as a third grade teacher here at Ben Franklin Academy!

She graduated May 2022 with a Masters in Elementary Education. She studied beforehand, at BYU-Idaho and Graduated 2019 with a Bachelors in Science in Child Development and a minor in International Studies. During the Covid times, She worked online with VIPKid teaching English to students in China. She was able to then attain certification in TESOL (Teaching English as a second or other language). Afterward, She came to this wonderful school in 2020 as a Substitute Teacher and later on as a Kindergarten and third grade Instructional Aide. 

Ms. White grew up moving around every 4 years as her Dad is in the oil field industry. Some states include: Louisiana, Wyoming, Utah, California, and others. She has lived in Colorado the most so she calls it home. Because of life’s travels, she has come to enjoy exploring and adventuring to new places and hope to eventually visit places outside our beautiful country! She eventually would love to visit Norway, Japan, or South Korea as she has a love for Asian Culture and is learning from her Aunt (who is Korean) everyday! 

She loves the process of teaching and all it entails. To learn, lead and to serve have become not just words to her, but foundational. Ms. White strives to create an engaging environment, where students thrive and develop a true love of learning. 

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