Kristin Arnold

I am originally from Minnesota and my husband and I moved to Colorado for the scenic landscape and our love for skiing, hiking, and biking. We have two adult daughters that we love to travel with and this year will mark our 23th year in Colorado.  

While attending college in MN, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Health Education & Corporate Fitness and after moving to CO, I attended CSU and earned a Master’s in Education and Human Resource Studies. Throughout my professional career, there has always been a “teaching” component to my work so as my own children grew older and more independent, I took the opportunity to step into the role of substitute teacher at BFA. After completing an alternative teaching licensure program, I taught fourth grade for four years and will be making the move to kindergarten for the 2023/24 school year. I am excited about the new opportunity to work with the kindies! It is going to be a great year! 

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