Alice McElroy

Alice is an open minded, hardworking, and creative individual. Alice was born and raised in Ireland and is very proud to be Irish. She moved to Colorado in 2023 from Milan, Italy,  with her boyfriend Alex, who is a professor at UCCS and financial advisor at Maia Wealth. Alice has a global perspective on education and has taught in various countries including Ireland, Fiji, Germany, Italy and now the US. Throughout her career, Alice has had multiple roles as an educator, including class teacher, bilingual school teacher, special educational needs intervention teacher, art and design teacher, and whole-school ECO coordinator. Alice has also guest lectured in a university in Ireland about how to foster creativity in the classroom.

Alice has a first-class honors bachelor’s degree in Primary Education from St. Mary’s University College, Belfast with a double degree specialism in art and design and special educational needs. Alice graduated top of her cohort and has written two pieces of educational research in Northern Ireland. As an educator with a combined specialism in Art and Design and Special Educational Needs, Alice believes it is crucial that children are provided with opportunities to freely express themselves, create, explore, invent and discover. Alice plans child-led lessons and encourages students to take ownership and responsibility of their learning.

As she enters her 7th year of teaching elementary, Alice is excited to continue exploring, playing and helping each child embrace their unique talents. Alice’s classroom is energetic, curious and happy. In her free time, Alice loves spending time in nature or at home painting. She is an avid skier and hiker and can be found in the mountains most weekends. 

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