New K-8 Enrollment: DCSD Open Enrollment

Two Rounds of Open Enrollment

First Round: Nov. 1 – Dec. 2, 2024

The First Round opens at 8:00 a.m., 11/1 and closes at 4:00 p.m., 12/2. When this round ends, all open enrolled students, regardless of when OE was completed, are randomly ordered (like a lottery) on their respective grade-level list. Students with a priority status earn priority placement only if Open Enrollment is completed during the first round.

  • Parents can log in to the EngagED Parent Portal to check for offers as of 8:00 a.m., December 11.
  • The deadline to accept an enrollment offer is 4:00 p.m., December 18.
    • The Portal is closed as of 4:00 p.m., Dec. 18 and will re-open on Jan. 22.
  • Parents who accept a BFA offer whose children are new- or returning-to-the-district students, will receive charter-specific details about completing registration on or before Dec. 20. The email will include the registration deadline.
    • Offers will be withdrawn and extended to another student if registration is not completed by the specified deadline.

As of January 7, if any first-round offers were declined, BFAs Director of Admissions can extend new offers.

  • All offers from January forward will be made ONLY via the parent email provided during OE and only when/if a spot is available.
  • Parents usually have 24-36 hours to reply to an offer.
  • Parents who accept a BFA offer whose children are new- or returning-to-the-district students, will receive charter-specific details about completing registration.

Second Round: Jan. 22 – Aug. 1, 2025

Parents who were unable to complete Open Enrollment (OE) during the First Round can do so during the Second. Second-round submissions are added to the bottom of any existing waitlists from the First Round in timestamped order.

  • Offers will be made ONLY via the parent email provided during OE and only when/if a spot is available.
  • Parents usually have 24-36 hours to reply to an offer.
  • Parents who accept a BFA offer whose children are new- or returning-to-the-district students, will receive charter-specific details about completing registration.

Important Tips for Open Enrollment:

When prompted at the end of the OE process, parents can and should email themselves the school selections made. This is the only way to confirm OE submission.

Email offers will include specific instructions and deadlines. Unfortunately, if parents do not follow instructions or miss the deadlines outlined in the email, the offer will be withdrawn and extended to another student on the waitlist.


DCSD Open Enrollment

BFA participates in the annual Douglas County School District (DCSD) Open Enrollment (OE) process to fill K-8 openings. Parents interested in K-8 enrollment need to complete OE for their child to be eligible for an offer. (Previous year’s OE lists do not “roll forward.”)

Questions? Please review the FAQ from DCSDs Open Enrollment (OE) page, as well as BFA’s Enrollment FAQ. Parents with questions not answered in either can direct questions about K-8 enrollment to BFAs Director of Admissions/Registrar.

How Open Enrollment Works

Parents must complete Open Enrollment (OE) from the DCSD EngagED Parent Portal using their Portal account ( and password).

Parents who have had a student enrolled in a DCSD school already have a DCSD EngagED Parent Portal account. Parents who haven’t activated their accounts or have issues accessing their Parent Portal should NOT create a new account from the OE site. This may VOID the OE application. To activate your existing account or if you have questions about Portal username or password, please contact either your child’s current DCSD school or DCSD Choice Programming for assistance.

BFA Tour Opportunities

Want to learn more about BFA? Get a virtual tour by watching the BFA Video.

Find details and available dates for in-person tours from the Visit BFA page.


Registration Paperwork – Collect Important Documents Now!

If your child is new or returning (after withdrawal) to DCSD, be prepared! You will need to complete registration. Registration includes completing DCSD forms, as well as providing the following documents:

  • Parent/Guardian Government Issued ID (e.g. Drivers License)
  • Student(s) Government Issued Birth Certificate
  • Student(s) Immunization Records (Colorado Law/CDPHE website)
  • Student Learning Plans (IEP, 504, ALP, etc.) if applicable
  • Proof of Residency (one from list below)
    • Signed Lease Agreement, including tenant names, address, lease term dates and signature of both the Lessee and Lessor
    • Signed Purchase Agreement, including address, buyer names and signature of both the Buyer and Seller
    • Warranty Deed, Property Tax Notice, or County Assessor’s Page
    • Notarized Proof of Residency Letter from the person you are living with, along with their proof of residence
Douglas County School District Nondiscrimination Notice: The Douglas County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, age, marital status, genetic information, or physical characteristics, disability or need for special education services in admissions, access to, treatment of, or employment in educational programs or activities. Ben Franklin Academy's Compliance Officer is Diana Simpson, Principal, 2270 Plaza Dr., Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129,, 720.383.4519. Complaint procedures have been established for students, parents, employees and members of the public.