Frequently Used Links

Log on to Renaissance Home Connect to access real-time information on your student’s progress. Our id is DCSDRE-84AN.


Lexia® Core5® Reading supports educators in providing differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities


Search for books is easy with Accelerated Reader Bookfinder®.


Our school uses GradeLink
for grades and report cards.

School ID is 656. 

For parent log in information, please email your student(s) homeroom teacher.

Google Classroom Logo

Google Classroom

Some of our grade levels use Google Classroom to upload assignments and important documents.

Check with your student(s)’ teachers for information, such as login information.

Clever Logo


Access to iReady

DCSD Lunch Logo

Ben Franklin Lunch Menu

Lunch menus are available through DCSD.  Click on Ben Franklin Academy for the lasted menu.

MySchoolBucks logo


School Payment System.  Used for FieldTrips, fees and athletics.