- School hours: 8:15 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
- AM kindie hours: 8:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
BFA is a kindergarten through eighth grade public, charter school. We are funded by the state with tax dollars. BFA charges tuition for its Core Knowledge preschool; please contact Lori Hafner, our preschool director, at lhafner@bfacademy.org for up-to-date information about Universal Pre-K. We do have annual fees for supplies, but do our best to cover that cost for parents whenever our budget allows. For the past several years, we have been able to cover most all supply fees, excluding small middle school elective fees for some electives.
No. BFA is a public school and cannot turn away children based on academic performance or any other factor.
No, BFA is not associated with any other school; we are a unique and independent school.
Yes, BFA students wear uniforms because we find that uniforms reduce distractions related to clothing. The purpose of the uniform is to promote learning, reduce the distraction and cost of fashion, reduce disruptions and disciplinary problems, and to promote student pride in themselves and their school. Please see the uniform policy for details.
We use the Core Knowledge sequence like many charter schools, but what makes BFA unique is our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) focus and our character education programs. We provide active learning opportunities through our science and technology labs, field trips and frequent use of hands-on lessons; and encourage good values through virtues education and recognition programs. In addition, we create a strong sense of community through our school-wide and grade-level traditions.
When asked what they like best about BFA, parents often comment that they appreciate the challenging curriculum, the focus on the individual student and the fact that, at BFA, parents are encouraged to get involved and have many opportunities to be a part of their student’s education.
BFA offers students the opportunity to achieve and grow academically in a safe and caring environment. It is a school where students are challenged to do their best and given the resources to meet all challenges. We strive to make BFA appropriately challenging for students.
– We set high expectations.
– We hold students accountable; and
– We recognize and reward students for their accomplishments.
A challenging curriculum can be fun and exciting especially when students and parents see just how well prepared they are for high school.
We believe to prepare students for the future, schools need to be able to teach complex concepts in a way that students with various learning styles can understand, and ensure testing adequately gauges an understanding of the curriculum. This is what teachers at BFA strive to do every day.
A rigorous curriculum is “focused, coherent, and appropriately challenging.” The Core Knowledge Curriculum, not to be confused with Common Core, is a challenging curriculum; one that will prepare students to be successful in high school, college and throughout their life.
But curriculum design is only part of what makes BFA successful. What actually happens in classrooms is hugely important, too. Students are introduced to new concepts and skills in the classroom and given plenty of opportunities to practice and master those skills. At BFA, classroom learning is supplemented with hands-on learning to reinforce concepts. In addition, BFA teachers are available in the classroom to help students.
We strive to give students relevant and appropriately challenging work to further their reasoning and critical thinking skills. A rigorous and relevant curriculum requires students to use knowledge to create and apply solutions to complex, real-world problems.
We are an academically rigorous school, and our curriculum can be challenging; but, we balance these daily challenges with brain breaks, recess and advisory time. Furthermore, students can choose from a wide variety of electives based on their interests to round out their day. The skills they are learning, along with their robust academics, such as organization and time management, will help them to be successful in high school.
How do we know that what we are doing is working? Our former students tell us it’s working! They say that they were very prepared for high school and concepts new to other kids were a review for them. We hear this again and again from parents and former students. In fact, many mention they feel high school is easy. The reason they feel that way is due to the amazing foundation that was built while attending Ben Franklin Academy. The middle school teachers are the best in the business and will challenge the students, but will give them the support, encouragement and tools to meet all challenges.
Kindergarten classes average between 14 and 16 students, depending on half- or full-day status. Core classes in first through eighth grade average 26 students.
BFA is the Core Knowledge STEAM school of choice where all students are eligible to enroll. We enroll new K-8 students using the Douglas County School District’s (DCSD) enrollment process. Going through the DCSD enrollment process does not guarantee admission; BFA has established enrollment priorities for the First Round of Open Enrollment (see below) and there may be a wait list for certain grade levels. The enrollment page on our website has more information regarding enrollment.
Enrollment Priorities
Student enrollment is prioritized in the following order for the First Round of Open Enrollment:
- Currently enrolled students;
- Siblings of current students. Siblings that share the same birth date (ie. twins or triplets) shall receive automatic enrollment;
- Children in the household of Founding Families;
- Children of full-time teachers;
- Currently enrolled Preschool students, then
- General wait list.
BFA follows the Douglas County School District’s (DCSD) timeline for enrollment. For more information about important enrollment dates and deadlines, please visit the DCSD Open Enrollment webpage.
Charter schools are funded by tax dollars. Every student is allocated a dollar amount for his/her education (per pupil revenue). This money follows the student to his/her school, whether a traditional or charter public school.