Birthday: October 26

Favorite Restaurant:  Mexican or Sushi (any)

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant:  Sonic, love their Diet Cherry Limeade and Diet Cherry Coke  

Favorite Snack Food: Popcorn

If I had an unexpected day off, I would spend it…: Hanging out with my kids and husband relaxing or making a ton of Bath and Body Products 

On a bad day, these would cheer me up…:  a warm hug or a nice compliment  

Favorite Starbucks drink: Summer is the Paradise Drink with extra dried pineapple and winter is Skinny Vanilla Latte

Chocolate or Fruit?: Yes Please  

Favorite place to shop: Amazon and Target

Favorite color: Blue and Yellow

Favorite sports team: my kids’ teams

Hobbies: Reading, Knitting/Crocheting and designing/making Bath Products

Favorite Ben Franklin Virtue: Humility and Sincerity.  We all make mistakes or veer of course from time to time. Understanding and taking a moment to put yourself in another’s shoes will give us a better perspective.  

My family includes…: My husband, Karl, my 5 amazing kids: Christian, Genevieve, Callister, Flettcher, Cassandra, Our Pets: Aggie Dog and Scarlett Dog