Category Archives: Recent News

Goodies with Grandparents Friday

The Community Events Committee (CEC) is excited to host students and their grandparent(s) or special adult from 6:45 – 8 a.m. TOMORROW, Sept. 8, at BFA’s Goodies with Grandparents. The festivities begin in the Lightning (small) gym with coffee, juice and light morning treats—then students and their grandparents can participate in activities and take advantage of photo […]

Communication at BFA

Ben Franklin Academy

BFA uses multiple communication tools to ensure that parents keep track of all the exciting things happening at BFA. Check out the list below for more details about all the ways to stay connected: Principal Simpson’s weekly newsletter is sent out via email every Thursday during the school year. You can find back issues here. The BFA website is the […]

Getting Ready for the 2023-24 School Year – Action Items for July/August

For your planning purposes, we want to be sure you know about important action items for parents to complete this July/August. For middle school families, electives registration is as follows:  July 19 – Electives Open for Eighth Grade July 20 – Electives Open for Seventh Grade July 21 – Electives Open for Sixth Grade July […]

Middle School Electives Catalog

Middle School parents and students should review the middle school Electives Catalog and mark the registration dates on the calendar. Registration for electives will be through MySchoolBucks beginning at 9 a.m. on the dates listed below, and is on a first come, first served basis. Note: New families should look at our payments webpage for instructions about how to set up […]

Sign Up for DCL Summer Reading Program!

It’s time for the Douglas County Libraries (DCL) Summer Reading Program–DOG DAYS of Summer. Let’s help DCL achieve their community reading goal AND raise money for our school library to purchase new books! Registration is OPEN NOW for students, siblings, teachers and parents! Be sure to include our school name and your student(s) grade when you register so our school gets […]

Sign Up for Summer Camp!

It’s time to sign up for BFA’s Summer Camp in MySchoolBucks (use your desktop or laptop–not the app). Please note, summer camp attendees need to register each summer before using the program. Registration costs $35, and includes a t-shirt and a day pack. If you have a new incoming BFA student or Kindergartner to register, please reach out to to learn how […]

Science Fair Champs!

This year’s science fair was a huge success! Thank you to all of the third and fifth grade students for your amazing projects—we can tell you put a lot of effort into them. The judges were truly impressed with the amount of work and understanding of science concepts displayed in each project. To earn a […]

Elementary Field Day

Field day for our elementary students is Monday, May 22, and Tuesday, May 23. Path Movement has let us know that each participant needs to have a waiver completed. Please click HERE and complete a waiver for EACH student so they can participate. For your student’s field day, be sure to send them to school with […]

CaveSim, May 15-17

Cave Dave will be returning to BFA May 15-17, and will bring CaveSim to kids in grades K-5. Invented by a caver and MIT engineer, CaveSim makes highly realistic artificial caves that teach STEM concepts. During the programs, students explore 60 feet of cave passages filled with artificial cave formations, and learn a huge amount about caves, conservation, bats, geology, biology, […]