Author Archives: carriekeen

Sign Up for the JRMF Math Festival!

DCSD is hosting a Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (JRMF) for students in grades K-6 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 11, at Castle Rock Elementary. A math festival is a one-time event where children gather and explore math through puzzles. It’s the biggest math party around! Play-based math allows students to tackle activities with their creativity and […]

BFA Awarded Gifted and Talented Grant

The Foundation for Colorado Gifted and Talented has selected Angela Bond as the recipient of their Classroom Mini Grant! Mrs. Bond applied for this grant to purchase strategy games for her classroom to address gifted learners’ unique affective and cognitive needs. These games will specifically address the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Gifted Programming Standards and Evidence Based Practices […]

Gifted Program Universal Screening

Ben Franklin Academy Welcome

DCSD and BFA are committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we’ve implemented Universal Screening for students in second grade (February).  Second Grade Universal Screening As part of this process, ALL students in second grade not identified for gifted programming will take […]

Make Volunteering a Priority in 2023!

Ben Franklin Academy Welcome

As Principal Simpson mentioned in her last newsletter, there are immeasurable benefits when parents get involved at school. Not only does it show your children your commitment to their education and school, it builds and strengthens our community. We hope you’ll consider getting more involved within the BFA Community this year, or simply volunteer to […]