Website Accessibility

Ben Franklin Academy (BFA) is committed to providing accessible facilities, services, and communication. Working to ensure our platform is navigable, consumable, and actionable by people with varying impairments is important to us. As part of this commitment, BFA aims to provide an accessible website compatible with W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and compliant with Colorado HB 21-1110, allowing individuals with vision and other impairments to understand and use the website to the same degree as someone without disabilities. Given that we work in good faith and accessibility is ever-evolving: text should be clear and easy to understand, you should be able to zoom in adequately, and you should be able to navigate most of the website using just a keyboard or speech recognition software or a screen reader.

We welcome your feedback and will strive to resolve issues in a timely manner, if they arise. If you need to request a reasonable accommodation or modification, or to report inaccessible data, please contact us immediately. We will make every effort to respond to your inquiry within two business days during the regular school year (mid-August to late May). If you need special assistance or accommodations, please email us at or call us at (720) 383-4519.

Third Party Content

Communicating our accessibility requirements to vendors is part of our commitment to accessibility (beginning July 1). However, please note that this site may link to third-party websites or documents that are not accessible. While we cannot control the accessibility of content provided by third parties, we are happy to assist any member of the public with reading and accessing content on our site. If you need assistance, please email us at or call us at (720) 383-4519.

Progress Report to Date

  • Add ability to convert website data into 16 different languages. – COMPLETE
  • Add UserWay Accessibility Menu to give site users the ability to: enhance contrast, highlight links, make text bigger, increase text spacing, pause animations, hide images, create a dyslexia friendly page, enhance the cursor, change line height, align text, change the saturation and offer tooltips. – COMPLETE
  • Create an Accessibility Statement and place it with the other important links on our website within the homepage footer. – COMPLETE
  • Work with website provider to conduct a full audit of the website; fixes include updating the colors to provide more contrast, changing the calendar plug-in for a more accessible version, adding alt text to pictures, updating buttons/links, email addresses, modifying the way content is visually presented/organized, increasing font size and modifying links. – COMPLETE
  • Contact software vendor used for newsletter creation, Constant Contact, to ensure accessibility tools can be successfully used with their platform. – COMPLETE

Proposed Accessibility Compliance Timeline for Primary BFA Website

Summer 2024:

  • Ensure the policies and forms posted on the primary BFA website are accessible. COMPLETE
  • Transition to a new, more accessible messaging system. COMPLETE
  • Incorporate new standards into vendor selection processes for any new software. COMPLETE
  • Remind teachers, admin and office staff of the importance of providing reasonable accommodations/modifications for individuals with a disability who need improved accessibility and usability of our information systems. COMPLETE

Fall 2024:

  • Update Progress Report. COMPLETE
  • Continue working on converting any documents posted on the primary BFA website to meet the new accessibility standards.  COMPLETE

Winter 2024/25:

  • Update Progress Report. COMPLETE
  • Complete website testing/remediation, as necessary. COMPLETE
  • Ensure all key documents on primary website (excluding committee minutes/agendas for prior years which will soon be in archival status) are converted to meet standards. COMPLETE

Spring/Summer 2025:

  • Update Progress Report.
  • Complete website testing/remediation, as necessary.
  • Complete an audit of teacher communications materials to access compliance with new accessibility guidelines and offer assistance as necessary.
  • Remind committee leaders to pass along important information about accessibility guidelines as they transition responsibilities for the next school year.
  • Set up schedule for next school year for website testing/remediation.
  • Formalize/Create training (or check with District to see if they are doing similar) process for new staff and committee volunteers on importance of accessibility and the guidelines we should adhere to.


  • Work with website provider to establish regular testing schedule and publish it on our progress report.
  • Train teachers on the new accessibility standards so they can create compliant documents and newsletters for parents.
  • Train the Board and committee representatives on new accessibility standards so their agendas and minutes are compliant with the new standards.
  • Incorporate new standards into vendor selection processes for any new software.
  • Continue to support teachers/staff as they work to transition documents to be compliant.