When does a Parent need to sign out students?

A Parent or Guardian always needs to sign them in or out of school. Whether they are late, need to leave early or returning from an appointment, parents need to walk their student in and sign them in/out of the front office. Students cannot come in or out of the building without a parent/guardian signing for them.

sign image

Appointments During School Hours

If your child has an appointment during school hours, you can let us know ahead of time by filling out the form below.

Early Release

If you need to get a student for the day before school ends, you can let us know ahead of time by filling out the form below.  You need to arrive before 2:55 p.m. as the office closes at 3 p.m. for carpool. 

Late Drop-Off*

  1. Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m. unless they have tutoring, extracurriculars, or appointments. We have seen an increase in students being dropped off too early. Please note that we offer BASE in the morning and parents should sign their students up for BASE if they need to drop students off early. If a student is dropped off early, we will begin to charge a fee of $10 for the first offense per student, $15 for the second offense and so on.
  2. Morning drop-off begins once the doors are “propped” AND staff members are in the crosswalk. You can begin to pull around in Zone A or let your students out of the car in Zone B when you see the doors propped open AND a staff member in the crosswalks. DO NOT let your student out of the car or pull around until you see both. Our goal is 7:45 a.m. but weather, traffic and meetings can alter this time. This process will ensure all our students get out of the cars with no cars moving.
  3. This change is now for all Preschool to Grade 8 students and A & B Zones and Preschool. When the doors are closed, your student(s) is late and must be signed in by a parent or guardian. If your student(s) is late, please park and walk into the Main Entrance and sign them in with our Front Office staff. Any student who comes in late without a parent to sign them in will receive an unexcused tardy.

We understand that weather and traffic can cause delays in our morning carpool, which is why we believe the doors “propped and not propped” are an easy visual for our community.


Dates of Absence/Tardy/Early Release

Absence Notification

  • Teacher's Last Name Only
  • Dates of Absence/Tardy/Early Release

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :

Please let us know when your student will be absent.

You can submit Late Arrival, Early Dismissals and Full Day Absences – day of or in advance.
Fill out form below.

Absence Notification

  • Teacher's Last Name Only
  • Dates of Absence/Tardy/Early Release

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :

Please let us know when your student will be absent.

You can submit Late Arrival, Early Dismissals and Full Day Absences – day of or in advance.

Fill out form below.

Preschool Absence Notification

Submitting attendance through our website or app streamlines the process for both parents and the Front Office, ensuring timely and accurate record-keeping. We've recently updated our notification form to accommodate full-day absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals, making it more convenient to report various attendance.

  • Dates of Absence/Tardy/Early Release

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :